Ich schreib jetzt einfach mal in englisch, weil Baum O-O
Today, one month ago Kazuki leaves PLUNKLOCK ; - ;
I miss him so much, I wanna hug him <3
I woke up and first I thought about K(^A^)Z
Then I got a little bit crazy in my head and thought about Kanzen music and their announcement in 5 days and prayed that PLUNKLOCK are the lucky winners.
In school, I write a little text in english about KAZ and Seishou and yes. That's it.
I think the day was a little bit strange but okay.
And I become ill, my neck hurts.
Oh, and I bought my first drumsticks ^o^

Today, one month ago Kazuki leaves PLUNKLOCK ; - ;
I miss him so much, I wanna hug him <3
I woke up and first I thought about K(^A^)Z
Then I got a little bit crazy in my head and thought about Kanzen music and their announcement in 5 days and prayed that PLUNKLOCK are the lucky winners.
In school, I write a little text in english about KAZ and Seishou and yes. That's it.
I think the day was a little bit strange but okay.
And I become ill, my neck hurts.
Oh, and I bought my first drumsticks ^o^
ich vermisse kazuki auch xX
AntwortenLöschenich hoffe er kommt irgendwann wieder zurueck zu plunklock.
wuerde mir das herz brechen, wenn wir ihn von der musik verlieren ;3;
Ja mir geht's auch so ; - ;
AntwortenLöschenohne Kazuki ist PLUNKLOCK einfach nicht PLUNKLOCK..
auch wenn ich versuche Seishou eine Chance zu geben ;n; ♥