
english or german?

Hellouw people 

I don't really know: Should I write in english or not? argh, I don't knooooow, I can write in german AND english but...
Help me people!
*can't decide*

There, on the left side is a little survey, please answer and help O A O

Ich weiß nicht richtig: soll ich in englisch weiter schreiben oder nicht? 
*kann mich nicht entscheiden*
Auf der rechten Seite ist eine kleine Umfrage, bitte beantwortet sie O A O

2 Kommentare:

  1. i so know how you feel because that's also the choice i had to make when i just started my blog here at blogspot. english, german? what to do?
    i decided for both. of course on an international community you can reach more people when talking in the world language nearly everyone understands - but distinguished with talking about your REAL feelings, you'll never be able to write a huge entry, if it isn't your mothertongue.
    so my advice is- write how you feel.
    if you're in the mood to write german - use german.
    if you want to blog in english - blog english!

    cheerio. x

  2. hey~ you got tagged xDD
    und ich finde das beides (also Deutsch und Englisch) gut wäre~ :3
